The Diverse Book Awards is looking for the best Picture Book, Children's, Young Adult and Adult Fiction book published in 2024 and written by an author from the UK and Ireland! Judged by an independent panel, we want to celebrate diversity in publishing.
Publishers are encouraged to enter their authors. Self-published authors or indie authors can submit themselves.
For the first time we are offering a cash prize of £500 for the winners of The Diverse Book Awards!
Please fill out the form below and email to hello@thediversebookawards.co.uk
Opens January 13th - March 31st 2025.
Terms and Conditions
The Diverse Book Awards is open to an English language Picture book, Children's, Young Adult or Adult Fiction book first published in print form in the UK or Ireland between January 1st 2024 and December 31st 2024. The author must be living in the UK or Ireland for at least three months prior to publications. We are happy with the illustrator not being British or Irish.
Submissions are accepted by self-published or indie authors and publishers. We have to right to refuse books that we do not believe are diverse.
The awards is only for fiction books.
All books entered must have an ISBN.
We have the right to call in books to be entered.
Books that are part of a series are eligible but must also work as a standalone book.
You can enter as many books as you want.
All books must be first published in paperback or hardback in 2024.
You will provide the author’s name, contact email, social media links and postal address. These details will be treated in total confidentiality and will only be used in connection with the awards.
You will provide high resolution jpeg images of the author/illustrator and the front cover of the book.
When requested you will provide a contact for us to communicate with regarding sales, and PR/marketing.
It is the publishers responsibility to make sure that their authors/ illustrators are aware that they are longlisted, shortlisted and invited to The Diverse Book Awards Ceremony.
The author/illustrator will attend the winners ceremony on October 9th 2025 or a representative.
If a book is shortlisted the author agrees to contribute £100 (this is for self-published authors or indie authors nominating themselves. Indie/ mid-sized publishers agree to pay £200 per shortlisted title. Big publishers agree to pay £450 per shortlisted title to contribute towards the marketing and publicity costs. VAT is not applicable. You will be sent an invoice and payment must be made within 30 days. Late payments will incur a fine and interest.
At nomination stage, you agree to send 5 copies of your book to 5 different addresses to admin and the longlist judges, as well as one eBook.This must be sent within 7 days of us sending the addresses.
At the shortlist stage, you agree to send up to 5 further copies of your book to admin and the shortlist judges. Books sent to admin will be used for promotional activities.
Winners will be notified at the awards ceremony on October 9th 2025 and not before hand.
Winners of only The Diverse Book Awards will receive a cash prize of £500.
Authors and illustrators will have to share the cash prize between them.
Do use your platforms to encourage readers to vote for your titles for the Readers' Choice Awards.